Two in three farmers victims of theft as crime flourishes
EXCLUSIVE: MORE than two-thirds of Victoria’s farmers have been victims of theft, the largest-ever statewide rural crime survey has revealed. More than a quarter of farms have been stolen from in the past year. The Federation University study showed that almost 90 per cent of the property stolen from the agriculture sector has never Read More …
‘Focus on Agriculture, Opportunities for all’, from The Australia China Agribusiness Association Annual Forum
The Australia China Agribusiness Association Annual Forum took place on Aug 16th, 2018 at The Novotel Hotel, Glen Waverley, Melbourne. This Forum provided an overview to all participants around the Australia and China’s Agricultural industry. Nearly 100 delegates including government officers, academic professionals abd investors gathered together for this event to discuss challenges and opportunities Read More …
Qantas to fly NT produce direct to Hong Kong in coup for Territory farmers
TERRITORY growers will be able to get their produce to important Chinese markets faster than ever with Qantas announcing a freighter, which usually flies directly from Sydney to Hong Kong, will stop in Darwin every Sunday to collect freight. Subject to regulatory approvals, the service will begin in late August and mean fresh Territory produce Read More …
Saputo released MG financial accounts, questions arise about why MG sold
MURRAY Goulburn had nearly $170 million sitting in the bank just months after saying it had no money to pay farmers extra for their milk and the business had to be sold to Saputo Inc. The cash stockpile has emerged in a business acquisition report prepared by Saputo compulsorily required to be lodged with Canadian Read More …
Live export licence suspension could cost jobs and Australia’s reputation, WA farmers warn
The suspension of Australia’s largest sheep exporter’s licence is a “major setback” for the industry that could put jobs and Australia’s reputation in the global market as a reliable supplier at risk, West Australian farmers have warned. Earlier this year, pictures of dead and heat-stressed sheep aboard the company’s shipment to the Middle East sparked Read More …
Hay frenzy: Autumn heartbreak sparks long-haul fight for fodder
A RACE to secure hay for winter is seeing fodder travel thousands of kilometres across the eastern states. Hay listings are lasting just a few hours as fodder-hungry livestock producers fight to secure supplies. One offering of 7000 tonnes of hay from the Wimmera marketed last week as “the last large parcel of hay in Read More …
It’s not too late to plant most winter crops
NOT wanting to panic anybody, however it is very dry in many areas and we all want and need to plant a winter crop. I will be first to advise it is not too late to plant most of our northern winter crops, the exceptions being faba beans and probably canola. Having observed and been Read More …
New Zealand to slaughter thousands of cows in attempt to eliminate Mycoplasma bovis bacteria
New Zealand plans to slaughter about 150,000 cows as it tries to eradicate a strain of disease-causing bacteria from the national herd. Politicians and industry leaders announced the ambitious plan on Monday, saying it will cost $NZ886 million ($813 million) and, if successful, it will be the first time an infected country has eliminated Mycoplasma Read More …
Australia China Agribusiness Association will hold a lecture
The lecture will be held in Melbourne in September 2018. Stay tuned for more details. You’re more than welcome to join us.
China and the United States stop trading wars China and Australia are expected to thaw and warm up
ACB News “Australia Finance Online” May 22 News A while ago, the Sino-US trade war filled the smoke, leaving the global economy shrouded in the shadows. How Sino-U.S. bilateral economic and trade patterns have evolved has become the hottest spotlight in the world. People are deeply concerned about the potential adverse impact on the world Read More …